
Can Wasps Have Nests Underground?

During the summer, you might see wasps buzzing around your garden or your backyard. These tiny insects are pollinators. Their bodies are painted in striking colors. They also help clean up the earth. Thankfully, most ground wasps are harmless.

They often make their nests in the ground, especially in shrubs or woodpiles. They also build their nests inside garages or attics. Some social wasps prefer to have multiple entrances. This allows them to enter and leave the nest.

Yellow jackets are the most aggressive ground-nesting species. They may sting you. They have a colony to protect. They also tend to prefer underground nests.

They have small holes or mounds of dirt, sand, or mulch. They may also have stones around the entrance. The entrance is usually about the size of a fingertip. The soil around the entrance will have thin streaks. This indicates that wasps have been carrying food back to their nest.

A ground wasp nest is a very distinctive structure. It looks like a small mound of dirt with an opening in the center. The wasps use the driest soil to build their nests.

If you notice a wasp nest, it’s important to get rid of it. Wasps can sting you when they’re digging, so it’s best to be careful. Wear long clothing and protective mesh if you’re planning to work near the nest.

You can use an insecticide to get rid of the nest. The best method is to use a granular insecticide. However, insecticides can be toxic to humans and the environment. It’s best to use insecticides as a last resort.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!