Why Do Termites Follow Pen Lines?

You may have noticed that termites tend to follow pen lines. These pheromone trails are a way for termites to communicate with each other. They also let termites know where they can find food.

These pheromones have a chemical structure similar to household chemicals. Hence, researchers have been able to isolate this volatile chemical and use it to lure termites. The chemical’s scent, which lasts for 15 minutes, is strong enough to entice termites to follow the pen line.

Some popular pen brands such as Papermate and Bic contain ink that mimics the pheromone. This helps termites to locate other members of the colony. Moreover, termites prefer blue ink. Other inks, such as black and red, do not attract termites.

To test this hypothesis, you could put a penned line on a piece of white paper. If you do this in a Petri dish, you can cut the circle into smaller circles. Then, you can place a single termite in the middle of the circle.

Several types of ballpoint pens contain ink that imitate the pheromone trail. Some of these include a chemical called 2-phenoxyethanol. This volatile chemical allows the ink to dry quickly, which encourages termites to follow the line.

For this experiment, you can use a Bic or Papermate ballpoint pen. It’s important to choose the right ink for this activity. You might even want to test different types of writing instruments to see which one will attract termites.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!