Can Termites Make Dogs Sick?

Termites are not harmful to dogs. In fact, the vast majority of dogs are not even exposed to them. However, the possibility of a dog consuming pesticides through the skin is real.

Aside from the potential danger of being poisoned, there is also the chance that your pet might be bitten by a termite. To minimize this risk, you should take every precaution when preparing for a termite treatment.

The best way to do this is by contacting a qualified exterminator. The exterminator will help you determine the most effective method for ridding your home of termites. During the treatment process, be sure to provide your pets with everything they need. This includes constant access to water and cool showers. You may also want to use a medicine collar to give your dog some added protection.

If you have to leave your home during a termite treatment, you need to make sure that your pets are safe. Leaving your pet home alone could cause them to become ill. Bringing them with you when you go outside your home can also be risky.

Thankfully, many companies offer treatment plans that include the proper safety precautions. The exterminator will also be able to explain all of your options to you in detail.

When it comes to the best way to get rid of termites, there are plenty of tricks and techniques to choose from. The best way to go is to prevent an infestation from occurring in the first place.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!