How to Hear Termites Eat in Your Walls
Termites are a common pest in the United States. They can destroy your wood and cause damage to your property. They also make a lot of noise. Fortunately, they can be detected with a little help.
Termites can leave a lot of debris around your home. Occasionally, you can hear the sound of termites chewing on your walls. But, most of the time, you won’t notice any noises.
Termites are tiny insects, ranging in size from white to brown. They are small enough to go unnoticed, even when you have a large infestation. Depending on the species, the noise can be quite subtle.
Often, you can only hear termites if you’re very close. However, they can also leave some pretty obvious signs. For example, they can create mud trails, leaving a trail behind them as they move from one part of the house to another. You can also hear their buzzing and scratching.
During a swarm, the sound can be loud. You can also hear termites making soft clicking sounds in your walls. These are caused by the worker termites tunneling through the wood.
You can also hear termites during the night. They are usually nocturnal and are more active during the dark hours.
Using a stethoscope can help you hear the termites in your walls. There are also some tricks you can use to find out whether you have an infestation. For instance, if you put the stethoscope against the wall and listen carefully, you can sometimes hear a clicking sound.