How Long Do Termites Sweep in Florida?

There are several termite species that are common in Florida. They are all attracted to light and swarm for a period of 30 to 40 minutes. Depending on the species, they can swarm inside your home or outdoors. A termite swarm is most likely to happen near your windows or doors.

During the spring and summer months, it is very common for termites to swarm. It is best to get on the lookout for signs of a termite colony. If you suspect you have a termite infestation, contact a local pest control company to have a termite inspection.

If you want to learn more about termites, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences has great information. They also offer a free termite identification service.

During the warmer months, swarms of drywood termites will become active. They tend to swarm at dusk or at night. They are 8.5 to 9.7 mm long and have a pale brown color. They have three to four veins on the closest part of their wings.

Another termite species that swarms in Florida is the Asian subterranean termite. These insects are the most destructive termite species in the state. These termites can be found in South Florida and Key West. They swarm in the early part of March and they can have colonies that extend up to 100 feet underground. They are most damaging to wood.

During swarm season, you can expect to see large groups of termites flying around your home. You can also find dead termites on your window sills or countertops. If you have a swarm, it is best to contact a termite exterminator as soon as possible.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!