How Long Do Flying Termites Last?

Termites are known to cause a lot of damage to homes and property. They’re attracted to light and often will swarm near the source of light. These insects are classified into three types: subterranean, drywood, and dampwood.

The workers and soldiers of a colony live for about one to two years, and the queen can survive for up to 50 years. Termites are known to swarm during the spring months. Termites will swarm in large groups to reproduce and form new colonies. This activity happens when the colony is able to reach a certain size.

Generally, the reproductive stage occurs in the middle to late spring. During this period, thousands of termites will come out of the nest to mate. The females will become the new colony’s queen. They then lay eggs in the new colony.

The reproductive stage of a termite colony lasts about 3 to 6 years. When a new food source is discovered, the colony will break apart and start a new colony.

Typically, flying termites will swarm around sources of light. They’re a small, gold color, and have two large, translucent wings on each side of their bodies. The wings are about 3 centimeters long. These winged insects are commonly found near windows and street lamps.

Unlike ants, termites have a very short lifespan. The alates, or reproductives, are the only type of termite that can reproduce. They can fly for a few seconds, but they die when they land.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!