How Can Termites Jump From House to House?

Termites are insects that live in the soil. During their lives, they build mud tubes to get to their food sources. They also travel through small gaps. This is how they are able to enter your house.

During the reproductive season, the female termites fly to find mating partners. After mating, they fall off. The queen termite then produces a new colony.

If the female termites swarm, they may leave piles of wings outside the house. These wings are the sign of a termite problem. They will also leave a pile inside the home.

The termites eat cellulose fibers found in organic matter. These fibers are often ignored by other animals. They are especially attracted to wood. They also feed on cotton clothes.

Subterranean termites are one of the most dangerous types of termites. These termites can travel long distances. They can even enter through the foundation of a building. They will travel through mud tunnels or gaps in the walls.

Drywood termites tend to be less harmful than subterranean termites. They can be found in southern states near the coast. These termites can live in dead trees, in attic spaces, and in hardwood floors. They can cause sagging walls and water damage.

If you see a swarm, you should open all the windows and doors in your home. You should also have your property inspected by a professional. These professionals can prevent a swarm from occurring.

A few other signs to look for are pits and sawdust. Termites can easily enter through these cracks. You should also consider turning off all lights in your home. This is to help make it harder for them to enter your house.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!