How Can I Get Rid of Termites?

If you’ve noticed a few termites around your home, you may be wondering how you can get rid of them. There are a few simple do-it-yourself solutions you can try to rid your home of these pesky insects. However, if your infestation is a major problem, you should contact a professional exterminator.

The most common way to kill termites is with boric acid. This is a safe and effective natural insecticide. It can be purchased from most home improvement stores. You can use a spray bottle to apply it to your infested area. This treatment will gradually reduce the size of your termite population.

Another effective termite killer is beneficial nematodes. These are small, microscopic worms that love to eat and kill termites. You can buy these nematodes online or at a specialty store.

If your termite problem is located inside your house, you can use cardboard to lure and trap them. Cardboard contains cellulose, which is a substance that attracts termites. This material will also keep them from moving to your furniture.

You can also use diatomaceous earth to kill them. This is a naturally-occurring rock that is dehydrated.

If you’re trying to get rid of a termite infestation in your yard, you can spread a mix of neem oil and water. This mixture will disrupt the reproductive cycle of termites and inhibit their ability to shed their skin.

Alternatively, you can use a mixture of lemon juice and vinegar. This is a great remedy for killing termites, but it isn’t a permanent solution.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!