Does Diatomaceous Earth Kill Termites?

If you have termites in your home, you may be wondering whether diatomaceous earth kills termites. Diatomaceous earth is a natural compound composed of skeletal fragments of aquatic plants. It contains sharp particles that can penetrate into the bodies of termites, killing them.

However, it is important to remember that while diatomaceous earth does kill termites, it does not kill all kinds. Moreover, it should be applied carefully.

To be effective, diatomaceous earth needs to be applied to areas that are swept or watered often. It should also be applied in areas where insects are likely to enter.

When a termite enters a diatomaceous earth treated area, it absorbs the powder. This causes the termite to dehydrate. The dehydration will then kill the termite.

If you have small children or pets, you should be cautious about using this product. If you are unsure about its safety, you can ask a pest control professional.

The National Drinking Water Clearinghouse has published a fact sheet on the benefits of using diatomaceous earth. They say that this product has a long history of safety.

To use this product, you should wear gloves and an eye mask. You can apply the powder in crevices or on walls. You should make sure that the treated area is not accessible to pets or other people.

You can get diatomaceous earth in a shaker bottle. When you are finished applying it, you should be sure to vacuum away the dirt. You should reapply once a week for a month or so.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!