Do Termites Come Out in Hot Weather?

Termites are cold-blooded insects, and they can’t survive extreme temperature fluctuations. In fact, they die within minutes of being exposed to scorching temperatures. This makes them a great threat for your home.

Termites live in a moist, dark environment. They can sense shadows and changes in the surface temperature. This is how they are able to create tunnels inside your house. They can also detect leaky pipes and roofs.

To protect your home from termites, you need to do a regular inspection. If you see flying termites, you should act immediately. They are a sign that a problem is brewing. You can identify them by the two long, translucent wings on each side of their body.

The most common species of termites are the subterranean variety. These termites are known for creating colonies in your home. They may cause damage to your walls, ceiling, or framing. In addition, they can cause damage to your foundation. They are also capable of making mud tunnels, which can help them find their way around.

Termites are most active during the swarming season. Swarms are released from colonies in huge numbers during the spring. These swarms are made up of hundreds or thousands of workers, who fly out of the colony to seek a mate. The females release pheromones to attract males. A few weeks later, the swarms split into two smaller groups. The smaller group stays behind, and the larger group starts a new colony.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!