Can Termites Survive Winter?
Termites are fascinating creatures. They live in a variety of habitats. In order to survive, termites need three things: food, water and warmth. Termites are most active in the spring and summer, but can survive in winter.
They can be found in many different regions of the United States, as well as in some parts of the world. Termites live on cellulose, which is a type of substance found in wood. They have a unique respiratory system that consists of tubes. These tubes allow termites to breathe evenly and get oxygen. Without oxygen, the heart will stop beating and the termite will die.
Unlike other insects, termites can survive cold conditions. They can even survive underwater. They can survive for up to sixteen to thirty hours under water.
They tend to live in warmer climates, such as the southern U.S. and the western United States. However, termites can be found in cooler areas, such as northern Canada. They have several ways to keep warm, including burrowing deeper and seeking out moist, warm environments.
Although termites do not hibernate during the winter, they do decrease their activity. Termites will find shelter in nests, or they will abandon their food sources. They may also move into homes in the cold season.
There are a number of species of termites that can survive in cold climates. Some of these species can live for up to ten years if they have access to constant food.