Can Termites Cause Squeaky Floors?

If you have noticed a squeaking sound on your floors, you may be wondering whether or not it is a termite problem. Termites are wood-boring creatures that cause billions of dollars in property damage every year.

Termites cause damage to wooden structures including floors, walls, and ceiling beams. They can also weaken your home’s foundation and support. If you suspect your home is infested with termites, call a professional to inspect your home and provide you with an estimate for repairs.

Generally, squeaking floors are caused by minor issues. However, if the squeaking continues, or if it gets louder, you may be dealing with a more serious issue.

Termites are usually the culprits of squeaking floors, and they can cause serious damage to your home. When termites eat your wood, they can create holes in your floor, resulting in cavities and an uninhabitable home.

Termites also create waste byproducts, which are called frass. This waste is usually found around the exit hole, and is made up of wood shavings and fecal matter.

Termites have a natural insatiable appetite for wood. They prefer soft woods, such as pine, and attack structures in the basement and the ground. They can damage the subfloor and wall structure of your home, making it prone to moisture and mold.

If you have a hardwood or laminate floor, you may notice that it bubbles and squeaks occasionally. It may be a sign that water damaged your flooring. In such cases, you can use wood filler to repair the damage.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!