Are Termites Good For Plants?
If you are growing your plants in pots, you need to be careful of termites. These tiny creatures can be found in any soil, including the potting soil of your potted plant. They like to be in moist, dark places. You will need to remove any infested potted plants from the ground and move them into sunlight.
If you don’t want to use poison spray, you can try natural methods to get rid of termites. However, you need to make sure you spray your plants with the right concentration of essential oil. Some oils, especially those that have a strong smell, can be toxic to pets.
You can also plant scented geraniums around your home. These plants are known to attract both termite predators and other beneficial insects.
You can also try using neem seeds. They have been used in field crops to control termites. You can also use neem seed kernel extracts. You can find them in a local supermarket.
You can also purchase wood ash and use it on the potting soil of your potted plant. This will absorb excess moisture. Termites love to nest in moist areas. If you use wood ash, you will have less of a chance of having termites in your potting soil.
You can also plant marigolds, which are a good repellent to termites. They are annual plants. They come in different varieties. You can even grow them in your garden. They also offer a pleasant scent to your plants.