What Spiders Are White?

There are many types of spiders that are white. Some of them are venomous, while others are harmless. To identify a white spider, look for a spider’s white cephalothorax, translucent legs, mouthparts, and chelicerae.

White crab spiders are one of the most common varieties of white spiders. They are often found in the Pacific Northwest states. Their color is a creamy white with reddish or black spines. The abdomen is also a creamy white color.

Other types of spiders have colorful markings. Among these are woodlouse spiders and brown recluse spiders. However, they are not as dangerous as other kinds of spiders.

White crab spiders are most commonly found in grasslands, woodlands, and gardens. Their olfactory cues attract them to flowers. In contrast, the woodlouse spider will be active at night. It is often mistaken for a brown recluse spider.

Crab spiders are usually four-legged, although some species have five or six legs. These spiders have a bulbous, white abdomen and translucent segmented pale white legs.

Unlike other types of spiders, white spiders do not have antennae. Depending on the species, they may be able to camouflage themselves in the midst of plants. When disturbed, they drop their silk line.

Yellow sac spiders are one of the most common house spiders. Their yellowish-white bodies are less than a quarter-inch long. A small bite from a yellow sac spider can cause painful swelling. If the bite is deep, the spider’s legs can become blistered.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!