What Do Spiders Turn Into?
There are three stages in the life cycle of a spider: egg, larva, and adult. Spiders have a digestive system that enables them to feed on prey. They are also capable of spinning silk, which they use for a variety of purposes.
Some spiders build elaborate webs. These include orb weavers, bolas spiders, and spitting spiders. They weave intricate webs that function as energy-absorbing nets. The different kinds of silks produced by these spiders have different properties. Some are very strong, while others act as signal lines. Some use their silks for safety lines, while others use them to immobilize prey.
During the larval stage, female spiders lay eggs in a silken egg sac. These eggs can be buried in the ground or attached to a surface. The egg sac contains several hundred eggs. Some spiders protect these eggs from predators, while other species leave them alone.
The eggs mature into spiderlings. When they are ready to feed, they emerge from the egg sac. The adult spider then begins a molting process. In most species, the molting process lasts between five and ten molts.
After molting, the spider secretes a new exoskeleton. This is made of an outer rigid layer and an inner elastic layer. The elastic layer allows the spider to stretch, while the rigid outer layer provides structural support. The new exoskeleton begins to harden. When the spider sheds its old exoskeleton, the new exoskeleton expands to its proper size.