How to Keep Spiders From Coming Through Your Vents

There are thousands of species of spiders in the world. Most of them are harmless, but a few are venomous. If you find a spider in your home, you may want to contact a pest control expert.

Spiders are good at hiding. They are often found in areas such as soffits, windows, floors, and doors. They like to hide in small gaps and use furniture as a resting spot. They also tend to seek shelter during the colder months.

One of the best ways to keep spiders from entering your house is to seal up all the little gaps and cracks. You should consider having screens on your windows and air vents. You should also install door sweeps.

Aside from your regular window and door sweeps, you should also consider installing fly curtains. Spiders are often attracted to light. The most common reason they will come out during the day is to hunt for food.

Another effective way to get rid of a spider is to spray it with citrus oil. Several types of essential oils have anti-spider properties, including lemongrass and eucalyptus.

You can also place a clear packing tape around your vents to catch bugs as they try to escape. If you have a vertically aligned vent, you may want to consider using fiberglass screening. The screening can be cut to fit the vent’s dimensions. You can also swab the inside of your vents with oil.

You can even make a spider repellent by adding peppermint oil to the clear packing tape.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!