How Much Does the Biggest Spider Weigh?

There are many varieties of spiders and the biggest one weighs about a tenth of an ounce. However, some of them are very venomous. They can hurt you and even cause death.

While some species of spiders are big enough to eat birds, they do not eat humans. Instead, they suckulate their prey’s liquid and then discharge digestive juices on the prey. Their venom is similar to that of a wasp sting and they can inflict pain and even death.

One of the largest arachnids, the Goliath bird-eating spider (Theraphosa blondi), lives in South America. It has legs that can extend to nearly a foot. The leg span of the giant huntsman spider is up to 12 inches.

The goliath bird-eating spider eats a variety of creatures. The spider doesn’t make webs, but it does produce silk to line its burrows.

This is because the tarantula lives in the forest and waits for its prey. When the prey is ready, the goliath bird-eating tarantula pounces on the prey. In addition, the goliath bird-eating can detect vibrations on the ground.

Another huge arachnid is the Brazilian salmon pink birdeater. It is found in the Amazon rainforest. This is the third-heaviest spider and it is also a tarantula. It can live for up to 25 years.

The goliath bird-eating’s diet includes insects, frogs and mice. It has long fangs that can pierce human skin. Some of its venom is relatively harmless, but it can hurt.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!