Cellar Spiders

Cellar spiders are a type of spider that is found on every continent except Antarctica. These spiders are considered pests and are known to be a nuisance. They build webs and feed on insects and other spiders. If you notice a large infestation, you may want to call a professional pest control service to get rid of them.

Cellar spiders prefer dark, damp locations. They also like to live close to each other. A mature spider can survive for two years. Females produce up to 60 offspring.

The cellar spider’s name is derived from its tendency to live in damp places. It has been known to invade homes, basements, and barns.

The cellar spider’s web is irregular and messy. Its webs are usually found in the corners of a room. When a cellar spider is disturbed, it shakes its webs vigorously. This causes the spider to entangle other insects in its web.

There are two kinds of cellar spiders. The long-bodied species is the most common in the United States. They can be up to two inches long, but the legs are incredibly long.

Unlike other spiders, cellar spiders don’t bite humans. They prey on other spiders, flies, and mosquitoes. Because of the short fangs, the venom delivered by the cellar spider is not harmful.

Cellar spiders are usually found indoors, but they can also be found outdoors. They are highly adaptive predators.

The cellar spider comes in a variety of colors, from light tan to gray. Most people confuse it with daddy long-legs spiders. Both species are commonly referred to as “vibrating spiders.”

In the United States, there are over 20 species of cellar spiders.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

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