Do Spindly Spiders Eat House Spiders?

When it comes to spiders, there are two main types. These two are common house spiders and harvestmen. They are both known for their venomous bites. However, they are not the most venomous spiders.

The common house spider is a tiny, light tan to black spider. It can be found in homes, garages and attics. It builds a web that captures insects and birds. These spiders are opportunistic predators. They can feed on any part of their prey. It is also one of the fastest invertebrates. It can move at speeds of up to 1.18mph.

The common house spider can be found throughout the world, except for Antarctica. It has eight eyes, which are arranged in three groups. The body is about one quarter of an inch in length. It weighs less than an ounce. It has dark brown v-shaped markings on its abdomen. The legs are either orange or yellow.

The female common house spider is larger than the male. She has an egg mass on her sac. The sac is like brown paper. It holds about a dozen eggs. The spider takes shelter in a warm and moist environment.

The Pholcid spider is a web builder. It will construct a web that is not sticky. The spider will also vibrate the web. This vibration makes the web difficult for predators to find.

The harvestmen is also a spider that builds a web. These spiders are commonly mistaken for daddy longlegs spiders. Typically, these spiders have a pale coloration and hang in a belly up position. They eat mostly insects and other invertebrates. They will build their webs in corners of rooms or in the ceiling of a room. They may also eat other arachnids.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

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