Can Spiders Be Cute?

There are many types of spiders. Some are cute and others are creepy. You can learn to love them. But if you are arachnophobic, you might want to steer clear of them.

Jumping spiders are the largest family of spiders. They are known for their great eyesight and incredible jumping abilities. They can leap many times their body lengths.

One of the most beautiful species is Burupes simoroxigorum. This spider has bright metallic-green chelicerae. It is also a burrow dweller.

It is also known for its unique mating dance. Male spiders shimmy in a dance that resembles a dolphin. The females also produce eggs and build small silk retreats. The webs that they make glow gold in the sun.

These spiders are usually non-aggressive. However, they can bite you if they feel threatened. They also have a sharp pain that is similar to a bee sting.

These spiders have an internal hydraulic system that extends their legs by altering the pressure of their body fluids. They can be trained to jump on command.

Jumping spiders have a wide variety of colors and patterns. They can be found all over the world except for the poles. Each subspecies has its own unique characteristics. Some are also known to feed on nectar.

They have large watery eyes. These eyes give the spiders a powerful, omnidirectional vision. This makes them look a bit like a miniature tarantula. They are also highly accurate when catching prey.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!