How to Get Silverfish Out of Your Bed

Silverfish are nocturnal creatures. They have small legs and antennae. Although they do not bite humans, they can cause a great deal of damage to furniture, bedding, and household items.

One of the best ways to get silverfish out of your home is to reduce the humidity in your bedroom. A dehumidifier can be useful in this area. However, keep in mind that a dehumidifier can be detrimental to your health.

If you want to prevent silverfish from infesting your home, use sealable containers for dry foods. Also, keep your clothes in a dry place.

When it comes to food, silverfish love paper and starchy carbs. So, if you have old family photos, manuscripts, or precious wallpaper in your attic or basement, you could be facing a silverfish problem.

Another way to prevent silverfish from infesting your bed is to put down sheets made of cotton or silk. These are more absorbent than other materials.

You can also use a natural repellent such as cedarwood. Cedarwood has been shown to keep silverfish away. But it should not be used in homes with small children or pets.

Aside from this, it is a good idea to clean your bed regularly. In addition, vacuum the corners. It is also important to remove your bedding, especially in the dryer.

Another option is to use boric acid, a poisonous substance. Boric acid should not be used by families with young children or pets.

However, it is important to remember that silverfish are very shy creatures. This means that you can usually avoid an infestation if you are diligent about keeping your home tidy.

Our top picks for getting rid of silverfish

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your silverfish infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!