How to Get Rid of a Silverfish Crawl in Your Ear

When it comes to getting rid of silverfish, you can take several approaches. One of them is to get rid of the source of their food. This includes foods that contain sugar and starch.

Another way is to dehumidify the area. Silverfish love to live in areas that are moist and dark. If you have a humidifier in your home, the area will be uninhabitable for them.

Another option is to spray diatomaceous earth. You can buy this in most hardware stores. Sprinkle it in places where walls meet the floor and under sinks. Diatomaceous earth contains ground up fossils. It will dehydrate the silverfish and kill them.

There are also a variety of insect traps you can use to get rid of silverfish. Some traps are sticky and can be placed on the corners of your house or around the baseboards.

The best thing you can do to keep silverfish away is to reduce the moisture in your home. Often, they will find their way inside when there is a lot of moisture in the air.

However, you can make your home less attractive for these insects by clearing out any clutter in your home. Leaving your clothes, furniture, and other belongings out of sight can also prevent silverfish from getting into your home.

Keeping your house sealed is another good way to prevent silverfish. In fact, silverfish infestations can quickly become out of control. They can damage your property, but they are not dangerous to humans.

Our top picks for getting rid of silverfish

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your silverfish infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!