How Do You Know If You Have a Silverfish Infestation?

If you are unsure about whether you have a silverfish infestation, you may be surprised to find out that they are actually pretty harmless insects. However, they do cause damage and can be a problem for your home.

They are very small, slimy, and usually have three prongs on their tail. They also have bristly antennas on either end. Silverfish are usually found in moist areas, like basements or attics.

They will chew on things such as fabric, wallpaper, books, and paper. They will also eat dead insects and fungi. It’s important to clean and dry your belongings as quickly as possible to reduce their chances of re-infestation.

Although they are not known to carry pathogens or harmful diseases, they can cause allergic reactions for some people. Symptoms of allergy include red marks on your skin. Depending on the severity of your reaction, it may require medical treatment.

Silverfish will usually only bite you during the night. When they are active, they can be very visible. Then, when they are asleep, they will hide in the dark.

Most people don’t even realize they’ve been bitten. But if you are unsure, you can get an exam from a professional.

You can use essential oils such as lavender to repel silverfish. Alternatively, you can sprinkle diatomaceous earth on your cupboards, walls, and floors. These materials contain ground up fossils and can be purchased from most home improvement stores.

If you are unsure if you have a silverfish infestation, you can contact an exterminator. Regardless of your decision, however, it is important to keep your home free of these insects.

Our top picks for getting rid of silverfish

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your silverfish infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!