How Do Silverfish Spawning in Real Life?
Silverfish are an extremely common and widespread pest. They are also a common cause of damage to paper-based products such as books and paper.
Typical silverfish infestations are infested areas that are moist or wet. They may enter buildings through vents, windows, shake roofs, door frames, utility pipes, and basements. Their eggs are placed under objects, mainly in cracks, and they develop in three to four months.
However, in some coastal regions of the Southern Ocean, Antarctic Silverfish have been observed to have diminished abundance. Some scientists believe that recent decreases in sea ice cover may have negatively influenced these populations.
However, these results have not been confirmed. The main cause for the decline is likely an increase in regional warming. A rapid increase in temperature may have caused detrimental physiological responses in all life stages of the fish. This could have led to an out-of-synchronization in hatching and prey availability.
This study examined the role of temperature in influencing the abundance of Antarctic Silverfish. It demonstrated that larval fishes in Palmer LTER study regions were closely tied to sea surface temperature. In addition, the relationship between salinity and larval abundance showed that salinity is important for the survival of Antarctic Silverfish.
The study also explored the potential of Antarctic Silverfish as a keystone species in a vulnerable pelagic ecosystem in the WAP region. Several decades of data indicate that the prevalence of mature adults is significantly reduced in northern WAP.