How Did Silverfish Get Their Name?

A silverfish is a small, wingless insect. It is a pest that is nocturnal and commonly found in damp or humid areas of the house. Although these insects are not harmful to humans, they can be troublesome and cause damage to household items.

Silverfish tend to live in moist and dark areas. They are attracted to materials with carbohydrates, sugar, or protein. Some of these foods include flour, cereals, books, and cardboard.

When a silverfish infestation becomes serious, they can cause major property damage. The damage may go unnoticed and affect the quality of life of the person living in the home.

Silverfish can be difficult to catch. In addition, it is not uncommon for an infestation to spread and grow rapidly. Once they are found, silverfish need to be eliminated. There are several ways to rid your home of these pests.

First, check to see if the area in question is damp or moist. If it is, consider sprinkling diatomaceous earth. This is a natural product that removes the waxy coating from silverfish and other insects.

The silverfish has a metallic look and shine. They also have shiny, bristle-like appendages on the rear of their bodies.

They are typically one-half to two inches long. Though they are not poisonous, they can be hazardous to your clothes and books.

Silverfish are nocturnal and usually emerge at night. They are very quick and can outrun other animals and insects. However, they do not sting.

Our top picks for getting rid of silverfish

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your silverfish infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!