Does Silverfish Spray Work?

If you’re dealing with an infestation of silverfish, the first step is to try and prevent the insects from getting into your home. These are nocturnal creatures that are attracted to damp, dark places. They thrive in areas with a lot of moisture and high humidity.

Silverfish have a waxy outer coat that allows them to hold in moisture. You can prevent silverfish from entering your home by removing excess water and dust. Using a dehumidifier can also help.

If your house is infested with silverfish, you should consider hiring a pest control expert. These professionals have extensive experience handling these types of infestations.

There are many different approaches to silverfish removal, depending on where the problem originates. Some of the most common options include insecticides, repellants, and exclusion.

Pyrethrin is a common and effective form of pest repellent. Many local home centers have these products. However, you should avoid using pyrethrin around children or pets.

Another non-toxic alternative is diatomaceous earth. This all-natural powder is made from fossilized diatoms. It dissolves the waxy coating on the outer shell of the silverfish. Within a few days, it kills the insects.

Boric acid is a versatile chemical that can be sprayed into cracks and crevices. This is a great way to get rid of silverfish, but it can be toxic if ingested.

The last option is to use an integrated pest management (IPM) solution. A professional will be able to determine exactly where the infestation is coming from and then implement an environmentally friendly, safe treatment.

Our top picks for getting rid of silverfish

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your silverfish infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!