Do Silverfish Have Cocoons?

Silverfish are tiny wingless insects that are very long-lived. They are native to the tropics, but they have expanded their range to temperate regions.

These nocturnal insects are commonly found in damp, warm areas. They usually hide in crevices and cracks.

Their flat, scaled bodies and three pairs of legs allow them to move quickly through the ground. Adult silverfish are up to 12 mm in length. The nymph, which is the youngest stage, is slightly lighter in color. It begins to shed its old body covering about a month after hatching.

Silverfish feed on many types of food. They eat carbohydrates, including starch, glue and silk. Unlike other insects, they have no mouthparts that can hurt humans.

If you notice an infestation of silverfish, you should find out how to remove them without the use of insecticides. An expert pest remover can give you advice. However, a chemical pesticide may be necessary if the infestation is severe.

A common method to get rid of silverfish involves trapping them. Some stores sell commercial traps. You should place the traps in the paths used by the silverfish.

Another effective way to get rid of silverfish is to vacuum them. If you can’t find the traps, you can buy a vacuum. But be sure to discard the vacuum bags outside your home. This will avoid causing a new infestation.

When silverfish are inside your home, they might be laying eggs in a container with damaged books or papers. Insects like this can transport eggs in many different kinds of carbohydrate substances.

Our top picks for getting rid of silverfish

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your silverfish infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!