Do Silverfish Cause Disease?

Silverfish do not cause disease, but they are pests that can be a nuisance. They are nocturnal insects that feed on materials that have starch and sugar in them.

These bugs can be found in any climate. They prefer damp, dark places. This includes clothes, paper, and books.

The silverfish’s diet is based on carbohydrates, including sugars, proteins, and grains. During their life, they will molt several times. As they molt, they will shed their skin, leaving behind tiny scales. If left untreated, this may leave your home with a dirty yellow residue.

One of the biggest silverfish problems is that they can damage your house. Whether your clothing, wallpaper, or books are damaged, you need to take care of the problem quickly.

One of the best ways to get rid of the problem is to prevent the silverfish from entering your home. You can do this by removing clutter and making sure that all areas are kept clean. Another solution is to seal up all the food and water in your home. Leaving un-sealed dried food packets is one way of attracting these critters.

If you think you have an infestation, you can call Fantastic Services. Our experts will be able to identify the bugs in your home.

Silverfish are very difficult to kill. They are also wingless, and can easily evade your defenses. A single silverfish will live for about a year without eating.

The best way to avoid a silverfish infestation is to make sure that all your dry foods are stored in airtight containers. Alternatively, you can use plastic sheeting to block off dirt crawl spaces.

Our top picks for getting rid of silverfish

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your silverfish infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!