Why Do Rats Damage Gardens?

If you have a garden, you might be wondering why rats are damaging your plants. Not only do rats eat plants, but they also spread harmful pathogens. For example, rat feces can cause salmonellosis, which can cause severe diarrhea and stomach cramps. Not only that, rats carry ticks and fleas that can also spread various diseases.

The best way to prevent rats from entering your garden is to eliminate sources of decomposing waste in your garden. Keep garbage in metal containers and avoid letting trash bags accumulate on your lawn. Rats are attracted to trash bags, so it’s best to use cans with lids. Another natural rat repellent is garlic. To make this repellent, you can mix minced garlic clove with two tablespoons castor oil and two tablespoons liquid dishwashing soap. This homemade rat repellent is best used outdoors and should be sprayed along the edge of the garden, as well as in any areas where the animals are hiding.

If your garden has food, it’s very likely that rats will invade your garden. Food scraps, seeds, and irrigation systems will attract rats. You should also keep your garden away from any garbage and household garbage. Rats can also nest in garden sheds or other places with a roof and fallow space. You should also store harvested crops and fruits in secured containers.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!