Where Can You Get Rats From?

You can buy a rat at a pet store, a shelter, or from a breeder. When choosing a rat, make sure it is healthy and active. Look for rounded bodies, even fur, and no bald patches. Healthy rats also have a clear discharge from their eyes and have even teeth. They should breathe easily and do not make any wheezing noises. Rats can live for up to two years.

Rats can enter your house through holes in the walls or floors. Usually, they make holes immediately after establishing a home. Their holes are about two to three inches wide and are close to the floor. Their droppings have a strong musk smell. They can easily penetrate soft metals.

Rats don’t need a lot of water to survive. They get enough moisture from the food they eat. They thrive on high-quality pellets, but they can also eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Small amounts of lean meat or poultry can also be fed to them. In the wild, rats seek shelter among weeds and grasses. They also find shelter under walls and in seldom-used corners of the house.

If you find rat droppings in your home, it’s important to clean it up regularly. Rats can easily find and eat the food in your trash, so you should make sure that your garbage is kept in rat-proof containers. If you have pets, you should also clean up their waste on a daily basis.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!