When Rats Eat Poison What Happens?

If you have ever seen rats scattering throughout your attic, you know that there is a possibility that they have eaten poison. Rats that are poisoned will not feel thirsty or hungry and they will become very lame. They will also not be able to get outside to die.

Rats are highly intelligent creatures, and have been used extensively in laboratories for experiments. In some cases, the rats have even been shown to recognize human emotion. It is therefore essential to take into account the potential consequences of using rat poison before applying it. Using poison on rats is just as inhumane as injuring other animals.

If you use poison, be sure to secure it in bait stations, which will protect it from bad weather. It is also important to place a bait station at a distance of 30 feet for heavier infestations, and 15 feet away for lighter infestations. It is also important to make sure that the poison is fresh and not expired. If the poison is old, the rats will find it and will try to avoid it.

If you accidentally poison rats, remember that the poison does not kill them right away. It takes time for the poison to have an effect on the rats, and they will likely move back to their nesting areas. If the poison does kill them, they will likely die somewhere that is hard to reach. After a while, the dead rats will begin to decompose, attracting flies and maggots. The process of killing rats can be a painful one, so it is important to use the correct poison for the right situation.

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