What Does it Mean When Rats Lick You?

It isn’t uncommon for rats to lick their owners, but what does it mean? Some rats will lick their owners compulsively, while others will only give you their tongue occasionally. It’s important to remember that this behavior is normal and usually a sign of affection. In fact, many mammals lick their families and other members of their species.

This behavior is normal in a healthy colony of rats. It’s affectionate and reminds the rat of its caretaking role from its early years. So, when your rat starts licking you, consider it a compliment rather than a sign of disapproval.

Rats can also lick their tails to show that they’re in pain. When they’re in pain, they’ll scoot backwards, turn their heads backwards, and lick their tails. The most likely cause of the pain is a dislocation of the tail joint, usually at the base of the tail. A dislocated tail joint will make it difficult for the rat to find a comfortable position and will hurt when touched.

While rats don’t have specific mating seasons, they come into “mood” every four or five days. Male rats leave a scent behind to attract a female.

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