How Much Should My Rat Weigh?

When choosing a rat for your home, you’ll need to consider several factors. The first is its overall size. It should have a slim, muscular body and an overall shape that is pleasing to the eye. A rat with good muscle tone is solid to the touch and feels fit. Its shoulders, bum, and waste should be about the same size. A doe should be as long as its body is wide, while a buck should be about the same length.

Another important factor to consider is portion control. One of the easiest ways to prevent your rat from becoming overweight is to use smaller bowls. These bowls are less likely to spill food or cause your rat to chew them. Small portions will still leave your rat hungry, but it will become accustomed to eating smaller amounts.

Rats that are overweight look and feel rounded or pear-shaped. This is because their muscles hide their fat. They may also appear pregnant. Fortunately, most pet rats are perfectly healthy when they weigh between 30 grams and 35 grams. A healthy rat will not be underweight and will stay active. You should also be aware of the fact that some rats may become skinny as they age or develop illnesses. If you are not sure whether your rat is overweight, you can try observing him/her for the first few months after birth.

If your rat is overweight, you need to help it lose weight. Try reducing the amount of treats that it consumes, and make sure that it gets plenty of exercise. Eventually, it will gain weight and will transition to solid food.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!