Do Rats Eat Dog Poop?

While rats may seem to be attracted to dog poop, it isn’t always the source of a rat infestation. Rats are omnivorous scavengers, and dog poop isn’t their first choice of food. Plus, dog poop can contain disease and attract rats, so it’s not the best idea to leave dog poop in your yard.

However, rats may find it difficult to resist the enticement of dog poop. Rats prefer foods that are rich in protein and fat, so it’s no surprise that they’d be interested in dog poop. In areas where rats are a major problem, it’s a good idea to keep your dog’s area clean and free of any debris.

Rats enjoy a wide variety of other items, including pet food, garbage, and leather goods. They also like to chew on plastic materials, and you should store food indoors in heavy-duty plastic containers. Likewise, keep trash outside and indoors in airtight containers. This way, rats aren’t tempted to come inside your home.

Many animals, including raccoons, opossums, and rats, are known to eat dog poop. The protein contained in dog feces makes it a healthy meal for them.

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