Are Feeder Rats Good Pets?

Feeder rats can be a fantastic pet for children and adults alike, but they have some specific needs. The first thing to keep in mind is their health. They are not meant to live a long time, and because of this, you should expect that they will have several health issues during their lifetime. This can result in a lot of expensive vet bills.

The second thing to keep in mind is that rats do not need a lot of exercise. You can also offer to feed them every day for a small fee. If you can’t afford this, you can ask a neighbor or friend to bring them food and water. However, it is better to buy a rat from a reliable breeder. This way, you’re likely to get a rat with a more stable temperament.

Rats need a healthy diet, which means they should be fed at least five grams of pellets every day. You can also give them occasional commercial treats. However, their diet should be relatively low in fat and calories. If you feed them too much, they may become obese. You should consult a vet to determine the best food for your rat.

Rats make great pets, and are good companions for adults and kids alike. They are extremely social and intelligent. You can also train them to perform tricks and play with you. Some studies have shown that rats display feelings of empathy. They have even been observed to bring sick rats food or share their favorite snacks. They are also highly sensitive to tickles and are known to dream.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!