Do I Need a Wheel For Rats?

Do you want to provide your pet rat with physical stimulation? While a wheel may seem like an unnecessary purchase, these devices can greatly improve your pet’s health and help your pet become more sociable. Research has shown that rats who have regular stimulation live longer and are happier. The wheels also provide an enriching environment for your rat, helping it stay mentally sharp and active.

Rats enjoy exploring the world around them, and a wheel will allow them to do that! Rats are intelligent, social, and caring, and they form deep bonds with their owners. They like to play, dig, and learn new tricks. Rat owners will often purchase a wheel for their rat to keep their pet entertained and safe.

A wheel can be dangerous for a rat, so be sure to purchase one that is a safe size for them. If you can’t afford a wheel, you can use an exercise ball instead. Just be sure that you choose one with a wide enough base to accommodate your rat’s body size.

Rat wheels can be difficult to clean, and you may need to dismantle it in order to clean it. This can take a considerable amount of time. They also tend to be noisier than other types of wheels. However, this can be a good thing if your rat is kept in an enclosed environment.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!