Can Rats Help With Anxiety?

Researchers have been looking into whether rats can help humans deal with anxiety. The research is interesting because it validates previous studies that have shown rats are emotionally motivated to help others. For example, in one study, test rats were trained to rescue their trapped companions after a period of confinement. However, this behavior did not occur in rats that were exposed to the drug midazolam. The drug, which is often prescribed for anxiety or depression, dampens the emotional response. In contrast, it did not affect the physical ability of test rats to open the restrainer device.

The test used to assess anxiety is known as the EPM test. It involves placing rats in a four-arm maze 70cm off the floor. The arms were separated by a wall 22cm high, and the edges were 0.5cm high. The arms were at a 90deg angle. The rats were placed in the middle of the apparatus for five minutes, and the amount of time spent in each arm was monitored by a camera mounted 1.3m above the maze. The data was analysed using a computerised video tracking system.

Rats are sociable animals. They like to play and interact with their owners. Some pet rats even groom their owners. The animals also make fun sounds when they are tickled or massaged. They are also good companions for those who suffer from anxiety or depression. Keeping a pet rat can help people cope with the problems that anxiety and depression can cause.

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