Can Pet Rats Drink Tap Water?

If you are wondering whether you can feed your pet rats tap water, you may be surprised to learn that it can be harmful for them. Regular water is often treated with fluoride and chlorine, which are toxic to rats. This is because these chemicals are required by law to be safe for human consumption, but are not necessarily safe for rats.

If you want to make sure your rat isn’t overdoing it, get a measuring jug or a permanent marker and make a water bottle for him or her. This way, you can keep tabs on how much your rat drinks every day. If your pet suddenly stops drinking water, it may be a sign of a medical issue.

Rats need a steady supply of fresh, clean water. A typical adult rat will drink between 10 and 20 milliliters of water a day, or about 0.7 to 0.8 oz. You should give your pet rat fresh water at least twice a day from a clean, sturdy water bottle.

Rats love to eat fatty, sweet food, but don’t feed them too much of either. Fattening foods can cause health problems, so make sure your rat gets the nutrition he or she needs every day. Rats need to feed twice a day, in the morning and at night. You should also feed your pet rats a small amount of vegetables and fruit, or you can add some seed and fruit.

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