Do Rats Work If You Are Asymptomatic?

If you are asymptomatic but you’ve been diagnosed with COVID, a RAT test can be useful in diagnosing this disease. RATs are PCR tests which measure antigen levels in the body. If they detect enough levels of the virus, they can help diagnose the disease. There are different types of RATs available, so you can choose the one that is right for you.

RATs are not foolproof, though. They may miss up to 20% of positive cases, unless the viral load is very high. Moreover, the tests are only accurate in the first five days of infection. As a result, RATs are not an excellent choice for asymptomatic people with low viral loads, as they are unlikely to produce a positive result.

However, RATs are useful tools for mass screening. They could also help control the pandemic during its reopening phase. This would be a valuable tool for public health. In the future, RATs may also be used to identify asymptomatic patients.

In clinical trials, the RAT has shown sensitivity of 75%. However, there are still some people who continue to test positive even after feeling better or displaying no symptoms. Nevertheless, if you are asymptomatic and have had no symptoms for at least seven days, you may not need a RAT test. You may need a more sensitive PCR test. Your health care provider should discuss this option with you.

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