Are Candles Bad For Rats?

If you have a pet rat, you may be wondering – are candles bad for rats? These small rodents have a very high sense of smell, and they are also sensitive to the smell of burning candles. So, it is best to keep candles out of your pet’s reach and in another room. If you suspect your rat is having an allergic reaction to the scent of candles, observe them for increased sniffing, sneezing, and drinking.

Many scented candles are known to attract mice, and the smell of them is very appealing to them. Using food-scented candles can also attract mice to your home. Therefore, if you want to avoid mice destroying your valuables, you should avoid using these types of candles. If you have a history of mice in your home, you should try to avoid food-scented candles.

Another common rat food is shredded paper. This material is inexpensive, but it can get mushy when wet. Make sure to use non-toxic paper, as paper with ink will make rats look dirty. You can also purchase unprinted newspaper from some stores. Another option is hardwood shavings. These are not toxic, but they are very absorbent and are difficult to vacuum off carpets.

Although it is difficult to know which candles are good for rats, one method is using citronella essential oil. This oil has been shown to be effective in repelling rats. But further research is needed to be sure that citronella oil has long-lasting effects.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

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