Why Do Mosquitoes Only Appear at Night?

During the day, mosquitoes are not very active, but they will come out in the evening and feed. They prefer shady places to sleep. They also do not want to be exposed to direct sunlight.

Some mosquito species will hibernate during the winter months. These mosquitoes emerge in the spring, when it is warm enough to reactivate. In the winter, these mosquitoes may sleep in the caves, where they can absorb heat from the stones. This helps them survive the colder weather.

Another type of mosquito, the Asian Tiger mosquito, will bite during the day and rest at night. It is known to carry diseases, such as dengue, yellow fever, and zika. It also feeds on birds.

In order to combat mosquitoes, homeowners may use mosquito traps and sprays, or they may simply keep a nightlight on. In some cases, people may leave a nightlight on while they read in their bed.

One recent study shows that mosquitoes are attracted to different types of light at different times of the day. Some are attracted to red and orange light, while others are attracted to blue and green light.

Depending on where you live, the ideal temperature for a mosquito ranges between 18degC and 34degC. A few species, like the Culex mosquito, are known to carry a pathogen that causes West Nile virus. The Aedes mosquito is also known to carry dengue, yellow fever, and Zika.

Another study suggests that female mosquitoes may be attracted to different types of light at different hours of the day. In the study, scientists placed mosquitoes inside a wind tunnel, which mimics human breath. They discovered that the mosquitoes followed the CO2 plume blindly, but they did not respond to the background air that was free of CO2.