Where Can I Watch Mosquitoes?

Besides mosquitoes carrying diseases, mosquitoes can also affect your life and your environment. There are over two hundred species of mosquitoes in the United States, many of which are native to the country.

Luckily, homeowners can prevent their yards from becoming infested with mosquitoes with a few simple steps. The best way to do this is to find and eliminate any water sources that might be in your yard.

There are several different types of water that attract mosquitoes. Some species prefer clean, nutrient-rich waters while others are more attracted to marshes. If you want to get rid of mosquitoes in your backyard, start by removing any unused containers and emptying any wading pools.

Drain any standing water and remove any twigs and leaves that might be clogging your drains. Keep all your tires, wheelbarrows and other items away from standing water.

You should also take care of any leaking faucets in your home. Make sure that your screen doors and window frames are properly sealed.

A natural solution to preventing mosquitoes is to get some goldfish or red-eared slider turtles. These will help repel mosquitoes, but they should be kept in areas where they won’t collect water from the ground.

Another simple solution to reduce mosquitoes is to trim your yard. This will remove any tall grasses and low-lying plants that are attractive to mosquitoes.

Another common method is to use essential oils. These can be mixed with a cup of sugar water to create a simple mosquito repellent. Before using any oils, you should patch test them.