What to Do With Mosquitoes

Keeping mosquitoes out of your home involves a number of steps. The first step is to eliminate potential breeding sites. These include water sources and dark, humid places.

To kill mosquitoes, you can use insecticides. Insecticides must be applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

You can also treat standing water with larvicides. These substances are available over the counter and can kill mosquito larvae. Several studies have found that darker colors attract fewer mosquitoes. You can also purchase an EPA-registered mosquito spray to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.

In addition, you can make your yard less attractive to mosquitoes by trimming hedges. Grass is another great shelter for mosquitoes. Plants with insect repellent properties can help keep mosquitoes from resting in your yard.

You can also place a camphor tablet in a small bowl of water. The tablet should be crushed before being added to the water. Then, you can wipe down the floor with the water. This is a very powerful disinfectant. You can repeat this process two days in a row.

Changing your clothing can also decrease your risk of being bitten by mosquitoes. Wear light-colored clothing to keep your body cooler.

You can also apply a deodorant. However, the deodorant will not change the microbiome of your skin. That means you will still get bites.

Insecticides are available over the counter and in outdoor/travel supplies. These can be sprayed on fabrics or placed in containers to kill mosquitoes.