Where Does Mosquitoes Go in the Winter Time?

During the winter months, mosquitoes go into a period of diapause. This allows them to wait out the cold weather while still continuing to develop. When the weather warms up, they are ready to start feeding again.

The female mosquito enters diapause when the temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. She finds a warm, protected place to hibernate. Some mosquitoes stay in hibernation for several months. The eggs she laid in the summer will hatch when the water temperature rises.

These eggs can survive freezing temperatures for up to eight months. In some cases, the larvae will stay in the water until spring. In other areas, they can find shelter in holes in the ground, hollow logs, and animal burrows. Some people think that mosquitoes cannot survive the cold, but that is not true.

In some cases, female mosquitoes lay their last batch of eggs in the fall. These eggs will then hatch when the weather warms up. The next generation of adults will emerge in the spring.

Mosquitoes will begin to search for a place to hide from the cold during the winter. Some will seek out cracks and crevices in the foundation of your home. They may also take advantage of holes in your rotting wood. You should check your homes for these places to avoid infestations.

The best way to avoid mosquitoes is to keep your home free of standing water. If your home has a swimming pool, remove the water. You should also check for frozen water. If you have a water feature, drain it out in the winter to prevent damage.