What Does it Mean When Mosquitoes Are Attracted to You?

Among the many factors that mosquitoes use to find you, the most notable is carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes can smell carbon dioxide up to 50 yards away. This is one of the main reasons why people who breathe often are more attractive to mosquitoes.

It’s also a good idea to wear clothing that’s in dark colors. This will help you stand out to the critters.

Another good reason to wear darker colors is the fact that mosquitoes prefer high-contrast backgrounds. This means that if you’re working outdoors, it’s best to avoid peak feeding times.

Other things that attract mosquitoes include moisturizing lotions, floral scented products, and deodorants. Those who are drinking also tend to draw the attention of mosquitoes.

The newest research suggests that odor may be the most important factor in determining whether or not you’ll be bitten. Mosquitoes have the ability to pick up a compound called carboxylic acid in your sweat. This molecule has a scent that’s close to that of cheese.

Another interesting thing is the fact that pregnant women are more attractive to mosquitoes than non-pregnant women. This is due to the fact that when you’re pregnant, you have a lot of body heat. In turn, you exhale more carbon dioxide.

Despite their best efforts, scientists haven’t been able to fully understand why mosquitoes are attracted to some people, and not others. However, they have a few solid theories. The one-two punch of heavier breathing and a larger body mass index are the main factors behind this.