What Do Male Mosquitoes Eat?

Unlike adult female mosquitoes, male mosquitoes do not require blood meals. They eat plant nectar and honeydew. They also have an olfactory system that allows them to discriminate between flowers. This ability is very important. It helps them select rewarding nutrient sources.

Mosquitoes have two large compound eyes. A tarsus at the end of their leg helps them stand on water. Their mouthparts have mandibles that are shorter than those of female mosquitoes. They also have a labral food canal that is regulated by the mandibles. They have an abdomen that is a part of their respiratory system. They have an odor receptor on their palps.

Mosquitoes are able to identify flowers through their olfactory systems. They have receptors on their antennae and in their maxillary palps. They also have a sack-like crop connected to their foregut that stores the nectar.

Adult mosquitoes get their energy from the sugars in plant nectar and honeydew. They store the energy in glycogen and triglycerides. These are necessary for flying and for the mosquitoes to reproduce.

There are about 75 species of mosquitoes. Some of them feed only on plant nectar, while others feed on both. These mosquitoes are known to be vectors that transmit protozoans and viral infection to vertebrate hosts. Some mosquitoes prefer to feed on birds or reptiles.

Some mosquitoes have been mutated to be able to detect human scents. They also have been bred as biological controls for blood-sucking mosquitoes.