How to Prevent Mosquitoes From Biting Through Clothes

Whether you live in a mosquito infested area or you’re just traveling, it’s important to understand how to prevent mosquitoes from biting through your clothes. While it’s not always possible, wearing thicker clothing is the best way to avoid being bitten by these biting pests.

In addition to wearing long sleeves and pants, it’s also a good idea to wear light-colored clothes. The darker the color of your clothing, the more likely it is to draw mosquitoes’ attention. You should also wear a scarf, large enough to cover your head, to keep mosquitoes from biting you around your neck.

It’s also helpful to wear socks over your pants. Not only does this deter mosquitoes, but it also makes it more difficult for them to bite through your legs.

Another thing to consider is the type of fabric. The more dense, thicker, and tightly woven the fabric, the better it is at preventing mosquitoes from biting through it. You should also avoid wearing anything that is too loose. This includes leggings and yoga pants, which allow mosquitoes to bite right through them.

You can also spray your clothes with a repellent. These will create a chemical barrier against the mosquitoes. Using a repellent can be a simple, effective way to protect yourself from the disease-carrying insects. Just make sure you follow the manufacturer’s directions on how to use it.

Choosing a material that is impenetrable will also help. For instance, if you wear denim, the mosquito’s proboscis can’t penetrate through it. It can, however, bite through thin threading and other fabrics.