Is There Mosquitoes in Dubai?

Among the many insects in the world, mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous. They carry several diseases and spread them to human beings with their bite.

Some of these are Dengue fever, malaria, yellow fever and Zika. In fact, a single mosquito bite can lead to several health issues, including nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, and even death.

The Aedes genus is the species responsible for spreading Zika. The infection can cause a number of symptoms, such as rash, headache, and body ache. In addition, it can lead to a variety of birth defects.

As the population of Dubai grows, mosquitoes have become more prevalent. These insects breed in stagnant water. Their larvae eat a wide range of dead and living organisms. Their pupae breathe through tubes on the thorax. The larvae usually complete their developmental cycle in about six to ten days.

Malaria is the most common disease carried by mosquitoes. The parasite is released into the bloodstream when the mosquito bites. It can result in kidney failure and death if not treated promptly.

Dengue fever is also a virus spread by the female Aedes genus. This disease can be very dangerous, causing vomiting, rashes, internal bleeding and death.

Several species of mosquito have been found in the UAE. The most common varieties are smaller. Other varieties are predaceous.

In order to prevent mosquitoes, people should clean their surroundings, and empty items that hold water. They should also keep their homes and buildings clean. The best way to do this is to use a professional pest control service. They will be able to remove any existing infestations and prevent future ones from occurring.