How to Prevent Mosquitoes From Living in Your Yard

During warm weather, mosquitoes are very active. Some types of mosquitoes prefer to live indoors, while others prefer outdoor marshes or swamps. They are known to transmit West Nile, malaria, and dengue fever. Fortunately, there are several ways you can reduce your risk of getting bitten by mosquitoes.

First, take steps to keep your yard clear of mosquito breeding areas. Check for clogged gutters, broken screens, and other water sources. These are often overlooked breeding grounds. If you find one, clean it out as soon as possible.

Another way to reduce mosquitoes is to collect and store rainwater in buckets and other containers. Trash cans and rain barrels are good sources. Fill the containers with sand or cement. This will prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

Another way to prevent mosquitoes is to remove old tires from your yard. They are the primary breeding site for some mosquito species. These tires can be disposed of properly or recycled.

When collecting rainwater, make sure it is in containers with lids. These containers can be used to condense the water vapor into a small pool.

Another way to prevent mosquitoes from breeding is to empty flower pots, bird baths, and other water containers on a regular basis. If you have a bird bath, for example, change it each week. It may also be helpful to place a bird feeder or some other bird-friendly item nearby. This will also attract birds, which are known to be natural mosquito predators.