How to Make Your Own Mosquito Repellent

Using a homemade mosquito repellent is a safe and simple way to keep bugs at bay. You can use it on your skin or in the yard. The most important thing is to make sure you don’t spray it near your eyes.

To make your own mosquito repellent you will need essential oils, a carrier oil and a spray bottle. These ingredients can be purchased at any aromatherapy store or online. You can also use other products you may have in your kitchen.

Citronella is one of the most effective natural mosquito repellents. It contains p-methane 3,8-diol, a compound that attracts and kills pests. It can be applied on exposed skin twice a day.

Another effective repellent is lemon eucalyptus oil. It is made from a plant and contains citronella. It has been proven to repel mosquitoes for up to two hours. Adding the oil to a carrier oil can also help.

Witch hazel is another common carrier. It contains healing properties and is ideal for sensitive skin. You can buy it in a spray bottle or mix it with water. You can also add coconut oil. This slows down the evaporation of the repellent molecules.

When making your own mosquito spray, you should ensure that you shake it before you apply it. This helps the ingredients combine. It is best to use dark-colored bottles if your product contains essential oils.

Apple cider vinegar is a natural, non-toxic mosquito repellent. It works by raising the pH level of the skin. It can be sprayed around the yard or pool perimeter. It can be combined with peppermint oil, lavender or other essential oils.